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Accelerate Talent Growth

Tailored programs to foster engineering excellence and people retention

Powered by engineering leaders from

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Brain Security Logo
Node.js Logo

Security Group

Batch Logo
Turo Logo
BackMarket Logo

How it works ?

Radar - Analyze


Our algorithm analyzes the distribution of your internal tech skills and identifies teams' needs, developers' preferences and skills gap analysis

Settings - Prioritize


We design customized training programs for your teams, tailored to your budget and based on the needs we have identified and prioritized with you

People - Improve


Programs are delivered by top industry engineering leaders, and include regular feedback and monitoring of your tech teams' skill advancement.

Know yourself

Radar - Analyze


your engineering people strengths and preferences within your organisation

Cartographie des compétences

For Free

Radar - Analyze


your skills gaps to help you decide on which topics to strengthen your team

Skills Matrix
Our method

Choose your paths

Settings - Prioritize

Suits your need

Trainings are tailored to your context: initial level of participants, stack, delivery process... They are carefully designed to adapt to your team and company strategic goals

API Design

Coding Practices

Web Performance

Application Testing

Software Architecture


Application Security

Code Quality


Engineering Leadership

Data Engineering


Incident Management


Settings - Prioritize

Scope & Plan

Prioritize trainings depending on your ressources, goals and time. We streamline the process for you.

Timeline de formations

Level up your teams

People - Improve

Experts-led trainings

Up to 100 hours of training and experience sharing for your teams, delivered by senior engineers, leads, staff and C-levels from top companies

Stéphanie Baltus
Nicolas Barbey
Thomas Gentilhomme
Raphael Auv
Johann Pardanaud
Leboncoin Logo
Alogolia Logo
ManoMano Logo
Ankorstore Logo
Brain Security Logo
Batch Logo
Turo Logo
Fasterize Logo
BackMarket Logo
Node.js Logo

Security Group

People - Improve

Reveal your mentors

Our product recommends peer mentoring opportunities in your organisation and support careers growth

Passeport Mentoring
People - Improve

Monitor progression

Follow people progression and increase their impact within the organisation

Passeport Team - Bus Factor
Passeport Team

Adopt a skills-first approach to engineering growth


We're certified

Certification Qualiopi

Our programs and content match high standards of quality that are officially recognized by Qualiopi. Get your training financed by your OPCO.

Reveal, grow and retain your top engineers

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